Sunday, June 27, 2010

Settling in

Reedley! We are here! After one day of life in California it's time for a brief update. Friday was a day of travel for all of us. By about 1:00 am 3 of us were settled into our homes. Megan was our first arrival after having come straight from a week or DOOR with her youth group in Chicago, she spent the evening catching up on sleep while the rest of us made our way here. I finally got to Fresno late evening after a day of planes, trains and automobiles, and Rosy was our last arrival of the day. Our dedicated local coordinator, Barbara Ewy and her kids graciously made a couple of Fresno runs to pick us up and make the late night with us. Calla traveled to Fresno with her family on Friday and joined us Saturday morning.
We had a busy first day. Rosy and Megan woke up on eastern/central time and spent a long morning hanging out and getting to know their host, Cathy. I on the other hand slept the morning away and had to hurry to meet for our first time together as a group at 11. We took the afternoon to get acquainted with the schedule for the trip and each other, learn about the church and our roles at Bible school next week and do some preparation for it. In the evening, we got to meet Sarah Pohl who is in the Ministry Inquiry Program at First Mennonite. She is a Bethel College student from Kansas. Sarah joined us for a trip to Fresno where we also meet up with a couple of MVSers and watched a Shakespeare in the park play, The Merchant of Venice.
All in all, we're enjoying California. The people have been very welcoming, the sun is bright (and warm), the fruit tastes amazing, the view of the mountains in the distance is beautiful (just ask Rosy, she'll tell you how much she likes that :)) and we are excited about the next 3 weeks.
Soon we will enjoy our first service at First Mennonite Church and get to know more of the church family.

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