Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Picture update of what has been happening

Amazing Vernal Falls in Yosemite
We stopped for lunch on these rocks on our hike up to Vernal Falls

The three girls :) - Calla, Rosy and Megan

On our drive into Yosemite there is this rather breathtakingly beautiful lookout point.

Powerful rocks in Yosemite National Park

This is no joke, someone seriously gave us this convertible to drive for our 3 weeks here. Very generous church!

Teacher Rosy! Excited to meet God on the mountain at Bible School (and side trips to the for real mountains)

Baldamar and Brenda painting at Bible School

Rosy and Jill's junior high class learned about mountain geography and painted this mountain at Bible School. They LOVE art projects.

must include this great picture of Pastor Steve Penner fully enjoying a peach!

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